Frequently Asked Questions about outdoor rugs

Why Equi-M rugs?

Equi-M rugs prevent chafing on your horse's shoulder, both when it is folded open when walking by hand or in the walker, or when it remains closed in the stable or meadow / paddock.

What thickness do I need? To help you choose the correct thickness for the blanket, we have a handy blanket indicator for you.
> 15 degrees: No blanket or an unlined rain blanket (0 grams) in bad weather / a lot of rain
10 - 15 degrees: Thin blanket of 0 grams 0-10 degrees: Light turnout blanket with a filling of 150 grams
<0 degrees: Turnout blanket with 300 grams of filling

Can an underrug be used under the Equi-M blankets?
Equi-M does not sell underrugs. Because a normal underrug prevents the operation of Equi-M rugs, it is not advisable to wear a rug under the Equi-M rug. If the 300 gram lining is insufficiently warm, it is therefore advisable to place a rug over the Equi-M rug. This leaves the shoulders free to move without chafing.

How do I take optimal care of my Equi-M rug?
By regularly brushing the sand / mud off the blanket you keep it clean for as long as possible.
When you're not using your blanket, hang it up so it can air out. (watch out for pests)
Do not use a high pressure hose to clean your rug, but if necessary only with the garden hose.
Have your blanket washed at an official horse rug cleaner.

Have Equi-M blankets been tested?
Equi-M blankets have been tested on different types of horses and found to be good at 99%. Unfortunately, there are still horses with a difficult build, such as very broad shoulders, very deep set on the neck or protruding withers. Equi-M blankets are designed to keep the shoulder free from chafing and to keep horses well protected through the winter. If you have a horse with a difficult build, you can always try on Equi-M and return it unused and clean. We are also ready to advise you if you have any questions.

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